Thursday, March 6, 2008

No More Innova

The miracle didn't last long. As what I'd told everyone, Innova died last Sunday tym Sayang hung out at my house. So, both of us were surprised on hearing the bad news. I was half asleep when Sayang told me about it. Here are some pics of Innova, I wished I could see it growing into a hen (chick grows into a hen, right?) *he3 dpt dh pics si late-innova, aku bimbo sritu nda nmpak pics ani dlm hp ku, ku pikir terdelete*

Here are brief notes on what I have been through these da
ys (kes malas):

Saturday (01/03/2008):
- last day of school before semester break, last day mamam tarung nyaman hu3
- had hi-tea with Sayang at KFC, he3 sama2 pakai baju oyen
- Sayang balikan kain dua pasang, hijau and maroon *wondering kn putung cemana ah*

Sunday (02/03/2008)

- Sayang hang out di rumah, liat Music Station, klinya Sayang ada tepakai rambut artis Jipun atu so usai2 rambut Sayang hehe
- Masak Ideal Spaghetti, Sausage, and Kerupuk Lekor (kes malas masak hehe)
- We bemalas2 ja hari atu liat tibi

Monday (03/03/2008)
- Har's birthday

Tuesday (04/03/2008)
- Discussion for Presentation ma si Bai

- Test maths huhuhu cuti2 nya bh kn test jua

Wednesday (05/03/2008)
- Lunch Out at Capers (hehe im bz buat assignmnt tymni iatah malas ckp panjang)

- Ada dua urg sinned people huhuhu ucapkn sal tiktoktiktok ku sja keraja dorg, nanti kamu ah hehehe

Thursday (06/03/2008)
- Hang out ma Sayang, liat 10,000BC

For me, the movie was okeh. The actress is undeniably beautiful, the guys are cavemen hahaha so yeah, it was enjoyable jua, cali jua, bagi ijap jua (hahaha part mana tu nah)

-Hi tea at Lil Hub

- Order ice mocha classic and blueberry cheese cake for me, and soy bean and garlic bread for Sayang, in the end aku jua ngabiskn garlic bread atu psal Sayang kemasinan.

- Dinner at Escapade

Friday (07/03/2008)
- Ke Batu Satu, dorang Ameen and Zakhwan begunting

- Bali donut arh La Donut
With Hanie, she's one cute and smaaaaaaaall littttttttttle girl, very fragile ni anak ah, but can be bari kn mncubit if ia nangis, mengagahi hehehe

Hahahaa if ku rajin ada ku edit post ani, but for now, aku sibukkkkkk hehehe

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