Wednesday, March 19, 2008

No Idea

So I am not getting any progress with my works *haha*. Btw, happy birthday Hjh Mizah, have a blast one walaupun tanpa kami :).

Im not sleepy yet, and now it's 11.07pm, and I'm not a late-sleeper huhu pasal I was having a nap tdi kul 7pm lalu atu kali. I was waiting for Sayang to arrive at rumah Nini after antaring me home and the rain was pouring like cats and dogs (luruskh ayatku atu hehe) iatah ttidur den tbangun psal sakit parut and kn throw up jua and found out Sayang udah sampai rumah. At 9pm baruth mandi and starting on my work until now (blogging included as well).

Today, Meha bawa liat wyg Horton, but since si Far inda mau, we (me and Hadi) sja yg liat. The movie was hilarious and enjoyable lh.

Tomorrow ada birthday party dirumah, hehehe Happy Birthday Dad !! Shouldn't put a 'party' there hehe hopefully Sayang can ke rumah isuk, hehehe na batah bh jumpa tdi, 4 hours sja huhu.

Now, I'm downloading Timberlake-Timbaland song "Release" but this one song keep repeating in my head. Baru jua digoogle, from ATC- I'm In Heaven (When You Kiss Me) hehe kiut lagunya and addictive time boreng2, you know, jenis2 Aqua punya songs.

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