Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Dixy Chicken

Hehehehehe ani sja ni kn meliatkan gambar Creamy Carbonara, Salad and BBQ Fried Chicken Rice yg diorder last week..hehehehe sempena bulan Ramadhan yg akan menjelang hehehe

Volley Pictures

Volleyball Day

Huhuhu this is my second time writing this blog since the first time byk error because I cut and paste from Microsoft word and something wrong with html whatever and I do not know how to fix it :p hehehehe.

So I make it simple this time since I realised I took a long time to publish a post, thanks to my worry for assignments, no broadband network at Lumapas and my early call for sleep at my bro's house. I just finished my second assignment this semester which is an essay about why students do not enjoy secondary schooling or do not do well at school. My reasons are because of lack of motivation to study, family problems, teachers and peer pressure. Since we are asked to come up with one real life example for each reason, keluarlah semua imiginasi2 ku hehehehe membual jua ujungnya, mcm movie plg ku buat :p. I was thinking kn post my essay here but then i do not know how to fix the html error wahahaha.

Oh yeah, I was supposed to iklankn about Volleyball Club jua ah hehe. The intake for new comers was last week and today. Hohoho so far there are 25 people joining the club, weeeheeee but i think there are more than that yang ada tdi. It was fun, both last week and today. Full of laugh and rough game cecececeh. i managed to membangkakkn my jari where my vein popped out from where it supposed to be *exaggerating*. but seriously, sakit kli~~

Next week sampai Hari Raya, there will be no session for Volletball practice. Puasa kli ah, siapa sanggup ah, hehehe bleh plg but not me. wahahaha bah aku post gambar ja ah, kn tidur ku hehehe. MMMuahhh *Thinking of my Sayang*

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Ehe okaidi means welcome back. Welcome back to the world of blogging. It's been a pretty long time time since my espeed masih lagi baik, and had been terminated wahahaha. Now I'm using DST Go Broadband, which is much better, but since I'm using prepaid service, I'm kinda restricted to go online 24/7. Eh, mengapa mcm formal ani kn? Hehehehe. Anyway, banyak cerita bimbo2 nda sampatku cerita while I was ninteret-less. Hehehehe so for now I'm just going to upload pictures. Proper blogging will start soon, hehehehe.

Ada penyangat singgah di buku ku

Presents from Sayang tym my last birthday

Btw, Happy Birthday Eman!!!

My new hairstyle

Geng tym Teaching Assistantship at Sekolah Menengah Masin

Me and Sayang at home

Birthday cake from Meha and Eman

Mamam at Ahan Thai, dorg surprise cake. Far, Nanaz and Eman

Meha and Jurini

"Happy Birthday To Youuuuu"

Cake kaka balikan, malas mbuat wordings ah

Hasif and Amir sembahyang Isya'

Baby Hana - Farhana Raihana

Hasif jadi Hasifah

Hehehehee happy bah ia ah

Me and Sayang celebrated 20th monthsary

Me Vain

Me and sayang at home

Org2 berbisnis tudung hehehe

Amal balikan tudung as souvenir

Sexy lips dari hasif, basah aing liur hehehe

Me and Eman at DST Tutong

Me and Ain at Indoor Stadium

Me and Lela and Ros tym Majlis Belia Kebangsaan

Me at ICC's Majlis Ilmu

Macam lanun hehehe

Me and Sayang at Yayasan

High School Musicalians

Ikut Heath Ledger menyubuk

At Majlis Kebangsaan Belia

Si Far melayan kanak2 dirumahku wahahahha handal!

Always On My Mind~~~