Yesterday (03/08/2008) was the second day of Ramadhan, Wednesday and I had an early class with Dr. Boorer (Psychology of Teaching). The night before I tried to connect to the internet with my prepaid broadband but it couldn't connect and I remembered that the credit expiry date was on the 1st September. When I arrived at UBD on the Wednesday morning, I checked my expired credit balanced was $0.00 and I was shocked because it was about $20 plus before the expiry date. I was pissed and called DST care. Not to complained but to ask about how to upgrade my prepaid broadband to student unlimited.
According to the DST operator, I have to pay $133 to change my plan from prepaid to student unlimited and that I do not have to bring along a guarantor (as what was stated initially in the student plan agreement). So I decided to have it a go (right there,right then!). I was planning to bawa si Far since we would have meeting at 2pm later in the afternoon together, but she had class at 11am. I asked si Bai but her tire ada problem so she had to go home early. I msged 'everyone' tpi smua ada klas at 11am (Man, I didn't msg u psal I know ko jarang ada di UBD except for class hehehe). Psal nada dangan, I gave up and went to the library and met my cousin, Mizah. She was alone and out of things to do, so I brought her along to DST Gadong. Hehehehe nya Sayang, aku selarah2nya memutik2 orang. Well, I kinda desperate though but Mizah is such a cool sport. Walaupun nda pernah hang sama ia tpi ada2 sja cerita atu hehehe
At 12pm, I went back to UBD and prepared for the meeting. At 2pm we started our meeting. It was about Pesta Konvo, exhibition and volleyball tournament. I can't wait for the tournament. Hopefully bukan time2 ku sibuk huhuhu. After meeting, I picked Meha up at girl's hostel and we went to Hua Ho Sengkurong to duplicate keys and then hantar her balik and me pun balik for sungkai.
This week I have to submit another assignment for Dr. Moroney which is about ICT for secondary school.
hehehehehe supposingly I took pictures about my day yesterday tpi biasalah puasa2 ni lagging sedikit. Save energy by not trying too hard to think (as if taking pictures needs such effort). Instead I gambar $20 note, hehehehe jarang dapat bah.
Oh yeah, b4 puasa sritu me and Sayang liat Death Race hehehehehe siuk~~~~ macam game racing yg ambil2 power di jeraya. siuk lah siuk hehehehe apakan iski!
See ya in my next post (Thinking of Sayang)
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